Saturday, November 28, 2009

On break

So it's Thanksgiving and Christmas break from Ohio University. Six week straight of not worrying about anything academically related... or maybe not. Regardless, it is a break and an opportunity to spend time with friends from a former chapter of your life.

As relaxing as it should be, there are still stressor to be dealt with. I'm headed back to Athens today to resolve one. Getting my hair cut in Cleveland mid next week if plans hold, and I'll be back in sweet Bellbrook by this time a week from now. Such is the life of the college student, or at least a case example of one that may or may not be indicative of the population.

Statistics will do that to you: get you talking about how samples reflect populations from whence they're drawn. Larger sample sizes are more accurate, of course. I find myself thinking about things in terms of chemistry and physics too. I'll look at to objects in motion and ponder the passing of kinetic energy between them.

Maybe six weeks will give time for that to leak out of my head, but no doubt other things will have taken their spot. I'll be working on a website, something I've not done the old-fashioned way in almost 2 years. Can't wait to see html code and photoshop toolboxes as I close my eyes to sleep at night.

Enough musing for now I suppose. I have a suite case to empty out, a pile of cloths to put in it, and more in the washer and dryer to deal with. Have just over two hours before estimated departure. Lets see if I can't pull off leaving on-time for once.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Splat Z Productions

I need to go soon, but I wanted to tell you about Splat Z Productions. The website is up and mostly working. Check it out.